BONObo's recording accident that was shared on Itunes is a disaster to the world!!!
U2 frontman BONO-bo broke the world in six places and fractured his fan base, reputation and hurt millions of ears during his recent recording accident in Tampa. In its statement, the hospital said BONO-bo was involved in "a high-energy musical accident when he attempted to record another classic". The hospital where he was treated - Lowry Park Zoo - has also revealed the album,(titled "Do They Know its U2"), underwent 6 remix procedures in a desperate bid to heal the hurting ears of millions. BONO-bo was examined to make sure that he will never preemptively release such a piece of trash album on iTunes again.

The ear fractures worldwide caused a five-hour desperate re-release on Sunday and was repaired with three bonus songs and 18 producers.The following day - Monday - BONO-bo tried to howl his painful vocalization in the hospital, nearly killing 3 nurses. Auditory trauma surgeon, Dean Lordbitch, said the 54-year-old would require intensive and progressive therapy but never the less, a full musical recovery could be possible.